ich bekomme mit Opera 9.21 auf der Startseite ebenfalls das:
Zitat<dsc4ever.de> Statement on line 1: Type mismatch (usually a non-object value used where an object is required) Backtrace: Line 1 of linked script…tp%3A%2F%2Fdsc4ever.de%2F if (! j() == "MOZ") var w = f(); var sTitle = document.title; var A = j() == "IE" ? w.document : w.contentDocument; A.open(); A.write("<html><body>"); A.write("<form name=\"postForm\" method=\"post\" target=\"\" "); A.write(" action=\"" + serverUrl + "\">"); A.write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"iActionId\" value=\"" + iActionId + "\">"); A.write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"iPageId\" value=\"" + iPageId + "\">"); A.write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"sTitle\" value=\"" + sTitle + "\">"); if (sText != null) A.write("</form></body></html>"); A.close(); A.forms["postForm"].submit(); alert(D.message); Line 1 of linked script…tp%3A%2F%2Fdsc4ever.de%2F var iExtractionLength = 2000; if (iExtractionLength == 0) else At unknown location [statement source code not available]
Dürfte sich um das selbe halten...