Congstar Freundschaftswerbung
  • Hi,
    I was posting at and somebody told me that I had to go here.
    This was the place to be......they told me.

    Why? I am curious.

    Maybe you all can help a little, to improve the Dutch Arminia Fansite.
    We spread the word.
    Arminia Virus is taking over the world :D

    Greetings, Dutch Arminia Team

  • Hi!

    Well that's a long story

    Last Year in Oktober they closed the off. Forum cause of some user who don't respectet the rules of it. The Forum was nearly 2 month closed. So we had to find a new platform to talk about our Arminia! This site was grounded in oktober 2002 when the forum got closed. So some of us posted here now and day for day we got more.

    Now nearly all the old Posters of the offical Forum are here and we think that this forum is much better then the offical. Better Style here and more Functions.

    Well, sorry for my bad english and welcom here

  • Zitat

    Original von Dutch Arminia Team
    I was posting at and somebody told me that I had to go here.
    This was the place to be......they told me.

    Why? I am curious.

    Because in this Forum there is much more traffic than in the official one !!! And it has great Smilys like this ...:arminia: :Hail: :head: :hi:

    Greetings from the Arminia Fans near Mönchengladbach,

    Latscher Pohl

    In diesen Verein wirste reingeboren und rausgestorben. (Ingolf Lück) Anders ist es meistens auch nicht zu ertragen (Latscher Pohl)

  • Hey!:hi:
    Stay here ;) , its the best Arminiaboard.The offical board sucks, there are less functions than here.And on the offical board are more "Webidioten".;)
    btw:"Ohne Holland fahren wir zur WM!" :P

  • Okay, I see........interesting.

    Well, I will see what to do. I am kind of 'new' so I just have to find out for myself which forum I prefer.
    At least it's better then the forum @ :D

    Greets, Dutch Arminia Team

    Bye the way; You can just write in German. I understand it. But for me to write it, is a big problem.

  • Zitat

    Original von Dutch Arminia Team

    Bye the way; You can just write in German. I understand it. But for me to write it, is a big problem.

    Ok dann schreibe ich in Deutsch. Also schöne Grüße aus Ostwestfalen nach Holland. :hi:

    Arminia wird ja langsam internationaler nach der Schweiz ist hier jetzt auch Holland verteten. Grüße Endspurt.

    Also schön das ihr hier vorbeischaut und hoffentlich hört man mehr von euch oder schaut doch mal abends im Chat vorbei.



  • HI :hi:

    welcome to the best arminia-board! in some way this board is the official underground-board. people posting here have been the main-posters on the official board before it was closed.
    now we're all gathering here and are always keen on finding new, interesting, expert and funny members.

    it's nice to have dutch people here as well.

    but I'm really curious to know how somebody from holland becomes an arminia-fan?
    but anyway you've chosen the greatest and most interesting club! :D

    so, once again, welcome by
    komanda :bier:

  • Okay, I will explain why I am an Arminia Fan.

    2 years ago I was in Bielefeld for a couple of months.
    In that period I went to about 5 matches (FC Antwerp, SSV Reutlingen.........).
    I really liked the atmosphere. The singing, screaming and shouting and ofcourse Arminia.

    After I came back to the Netherlands (it's NOT Holland!) I kept on visiting the official Arminia Site to see how the team was doing.

    Last December I went back to Bielefeld, but unfortunately I didn't go to the match.

    Hopefully it's a bit clear why I like Arminia? :pillepalle:

    Greetings, Victor

    (if somebody has got a link, please leave a message in our guestbook and it will be added to our site as soon as possible)

  • Hi Dutch Arminia Team,

    Nice to read that there're fans in Netherland. Arminia is quite famous in some few countries. Switzerland, Netherland, India as well... Yes, I don't know whether you read little bit of us, but I'm half Indian half German. Of course I told my relatives about Arminia Bielefeld. Now they're asking: "did Bielefeld win or lost?"

    Anyway, do write something, whenever you find time.
    You are always welcome. By the way this Froum is much better than the Forum,
    because here are friendly people and u can talk to them easily. The best of all: Here we don't have to fight with
    stupied fans from Dortmund, Bremen, etc. They write: Yeah we are the winner, Arminia is not able to win, the team is....." Yes things like that. So this site is almost free from those.

    But so far I can't say in which Forum you should write. It's your opinion. But I wish you lots of fun with Arminia.
    And when u find time, come to Bielefeld and see a match.

    greetz Indernet

  • Congstar Freundschaftswerbung
  • Nice too meet you here in the forum!

    Please look the thread: Warum ich Arminiafan wurde! On this site: Mannschaft und Verein on site 2!
    There are the answer too your questions!

    SWB Greetings too the netherlands

    Behandel jeden so, wie Du selbst behandelt werden möchtest.

  • Ich denke, jeder hier kann verstehen, das du Armine geworden bist :)

    Ich würde wohl auch gerne ich Englisch schreiben, nur mir gehts mit Englisch so, wie dir mit deutsch. Ich verstehe es zwar, aber beim Schreiben habe ich so meine Probleme, was besonders schlimm ist, weil ich in der schule Klausuren in Englisch schreiben muß.

    Ich finde es auf jeden Fall toll, das wir auch Freunde in den Niederlande haben. Und das die Osnabrücker mit "in Europa kennt euch keine ..." unrecht hatten!

    Was die beiden Foren angeht. ich persönlich habe mich für dieses hier entschieden, schaue aber in beide hinein und schreibe auch hier und dort mal etwas.

    Nice greetz to the netherlands


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