I already have a job again, although it's not a permanent job.
I even applied for a job in Germany, so I can be much closer to my beloved Bielefeld
Looking for a job
Ein ganz bisschen Holländisch kann ich auch noch. War ja mal da im Urlaub. Da waren wir nach langer Fahrt endlich in Drachten angekommen. Ein Ort vor dem, wo wir hin wollten. Ernevoude wollten wir hin.
In Drachten machten wir nun Pause, bestellten uns in der Fußgängerzone was zu trinken. Vor dem Lokal hing oben ein Transparent mit der Aufschrift: "We willen de musselpan" Bin mir nicht sicher was das heißt, aber irgendwas mit "Wir wollen die Muschelpfanne" oder so.
Dann kann ich noch Pannekoken (Pfannkuchen). Sind die besten der Welt find ich.
Congratulations DAT!
How high ist the Quote of workless people in Holland??, Äh, sorry Netherlands:D??
I thing the quote of Germany is known everywhere
Actually I don't know the quote.
But I know that it's growing dramatically.
Original von Dutch Arminia Team
Actually I don't know the quote.But I know that it's growing dramatically.
Bei euch auch? Hier auch.
Yeah, it's really getting bad.
Since the 1. of january only in my Provence (Bundeskreis?) there are 8,000 people more without a job then last December (and i was/am one of those 8,000 ) -
since 2 weeks I have a real permanent job!
And the great thing is (at least I like it) that I have to travel all over the world again.But first we will be in Bielefeld this weekend.
See you all in Fanblock 3?! -
Original von Dutch Arminia Team
See you all in Fanblock 3?!
Aber natürlich!
Original von Dutch Arminia Team
But first we will be in Bielefeld this weekend. See you all in Fanblock 3?!Yes, of course! How will we be able to recognize you?
Ciao, Toto
Well, 4 stupid guys talking Dutch
probably our Dutch flag will be hanging near the field.
And maybe you can ask Thomas or Markus from Boys Bielefeld...........they know me.LET THE PARTY BEGIN!
Jetzt mitmachen!
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